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The course

This course was the last elective necessary for the homologation and also the only elective with exclusively individual assignments. 

The elective focused on the development of skills in the area of programming and more specifically Processing. The course consisted of several different elements and assignments. Each week, homework exercises had to be submitted to test the knowledge gained during the lecture. These assignments were codes based on the principles of these lectures.


Additionally, to these exercises, the elective included two bigger assignments. These assignments were more elaborate and free experimentations with the programming elements taught during the course. The first assignment was the design of a static poster based on the first half of the course, the second assignment was an interactive interface connected to an external sensor.

Both assignments had to be accompanied by a reflection.

The result of the first assignment was a poster design based on randomized patterns and mouse movements.

The second assignment was implemented into the visualization of the sky including a movable globe and the International Space station which could be controlled with keys on the keyboard. Additionally, it was connected to a light sensor that made it possible to have both a night mode and a day mode.




Technology & Realization

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